Box jump - exercises in which you spring from the ground onto a
platform between knee and hip height .
Power skipping
Step 1: Start with your feet together facing the direction you are
going to go.
Step 2: Drive your your right knee up and jump up and forwards
with your left leg.
Step 3: Bring your left arm at the same time as the right knee
comes up.
Step 4: Land on your left leg, then bring your right foot down and
jump off of your right foot while you drive your left knee upwards and bring
your right arm up at the same time.
Step 5: Land on your right leg. This completes one repetition for
each leg. Continue for the desired amount of repetitions or distance
Clap pushups - lower body to
floor and immediately push body up as fast as possible. As the hands leave
ground rapidly clap hands together and place back to original position,
catching body before it falls. Repeat.
Medicine ball
Big Circles -hold a medicine ball with your arms
extended directly above your head without bending your elbows, rotate your arms
counterclockwise, using the ball to draw large imaginary circles in front your
body do 10 circles, and then reverse direction to clockwise and do 10 more.
Woodchopper - Stand with your feet just beyond
shoulder-width apart. With your arms nearly straight, hold a medicine ball
above your head. Now bend forward at your waist and mimic throwing the ball
backward between your legs—but hold onto the ball the entire time. Quickly
reverse the movement with the same intensity, and return to the starting
position. That’s 1 repetition.
Russian Twist - Hold a medicine ball with both hands in
front of your chest and your arms straight. Without dropping your arms, pivot
on your right foot and rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can to the
left. Then reverse direction: Pivot on your left foot and rotate all the way to
the right. That's 1 repetition.
-Lie face down on mat with elbows resting on floor next to chest.
Push your body off the floor in a pushup position with body resting on elbows
or hands. Contract the abs and keep the body in a straight line from head to
toes. Hold for 30-60 seconds and repeat as many times as you can.
Standard Push-up
Your arms should be shoulder-width apart using your toes to prop
up the lower half of your body. The middle of your body should be in plank
position, creating a straight body line between your heels and the top of your
head. Hands should be flat on the ground directly under your elbows. Slowly
lower yourself until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle and return to the
starting position.
Wide Push-up
Use the same body and foot position as the regular push-up, but
spread your hands outside your shoulders.
Triceps Push-up
Use the standard push-up position for your body line and feet.
Place your hands directly beneath the center of your chest, creating a triangle
by angling your thumbs and pointer fingers together. Slowly lower yourself to
the ground until the lines between your arms and chest make a half-diamond
Jumping Jacks
Stand with your arms at your sides. Be sure your feet are straight
and close together. Hold your head straight, but in a comfortable position to
avoid strain.
Bend your knees. Jump up while spreading your arms and legs at the
same time. Lift your arms to your ears and open your feet to a little wider
than shoulder width. This should all be done in a fast fluid movement.
Clap or touch your hands above your head. As you return from jumping
up bring your arms back down to your sides and at the same time bring your feet
back together. Continue with as many jumping jack repetitions as you can do.
Weight Lifting
The most common form of exercise to build muscle strength is
weight lifting. Although some exercises can be performed with a simple
weight bench and free weights, to really get the benefit of weight lifting you
will want to use specific exercise equipment.
Weight lifting/weighted workouts:
Lower Body Day
1. Box Squat- work to 3 rep max
2. Trap Bar Deadlift- 4x5
Superset- Dumbbell Lunges and Glute Ham Raise- 5x8 each
Superset- Back Extensions and Dumbbell Side Bends- 5x10 each
Upper Body Day
1. Bench Press- work to 3 rep max
2. Weighted Chinup- work to 3 rep max
Superset- Dumbbell Bench and Chest Supported Row- 5x8 each
Superset- Barbell Overhead Press and Cable Upright Row- 5x10-15
Gun Show (Arms, choice)- 2-4 sets of 6-10 reps
Strongman Day
Tire Flip- 4x8
Log Clean- 5x5
Sled Drag- 5x40feet
Superset Rope Climb and Ab Wheel- 4x, 4x15
Superset Grappler and Reverse Hyper- 4x10 each
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