February 14, 2013

Duck Under

1. When tying up, place one of your hands on the back of your opponent's neck. This is a common place to put a hand while tying up and will not immediately signal that you are going to attempt a duck under.

2. With your other hand, pop your opponent's elbow up, then drop down and forward, ducking under the arm.
3. As you duck under his arm, use the hand you left behind his neck to pull down, using your weight and momentum to draw him forward off balance. If you exert enough pressure and duck with enough explosiveness, he should collapse forward onto his hands and knees and you will be right behind, scoring a takedown.

4. If your opponent does not lose his balance, but you manage to get behind him, lock your arms around  his waist, and pop him off his feet with your hips, then bring him sideways back down to the mat so that he goes to his hands and knees. Stay in close to score your takedown.

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