February 19, 2013

Staggered Stance

1. Start with your feet a little bit wider than shoulder width apart.

2. Bend your knees until your forearms can rest on your thighs.

3 . Your back should be slightly angled with your buttocks down and your head and chest up.

4. When you are low enough, bring one leg a step in front of you with the toe pointing directly ahead. This will serve as your lead leg—the leg that you step with to penetrate an opponent’s stance. Most wrestlers designate their stronger, more dominant leg to be their trail leg or “power” leg, but it depends which leg feels most comfortable. (Not sure? Think about what leg you would best kick a soccer ball with).

5. Most of your weight should be resting on your front foot.

6. Your shoulder, front knee, and foot (of your lead leg) should be somewhat aligned.

7. Your back leg, or trail leg should be slightly off to the side with your toe angled slightly away from you, though some wrestlers like the toe of their trail leg to point directly ahead for extra power on their shot. Play with the different positions to determine what’s best for you.

8. Once in position, bring your arms out in front of you. Your hands serve as your first line of defense, so dropping them at anytime could mean takedown or back points for your opponent.

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